Whiplash Injuries

What are Whiplash Injuries?

Whiplash injuries can occur as a result of sudden acceleration-deceleration forces on the neck, commonly experienced during car accidents or contact sports. The rapid back-and-forth motion of the head can cause strain and damage to the muscles, ligaments, and joints of the neck, leading to pain and limited mobility.

How We Treat Whiplash Injuries at Optimize Chiropractic

At Optimize Chiropractic, we specialize in providing effective care for whiplash injuries. Our Data-Driven approach allows us to assess the extent of your injury and create a personalized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs. We understand that whiplash injuries can be complex, involving not only the neck but also the eyes and vestibular system.

After a whiplash injury, the communication between the eyes and neck muscles, known as the cervical-ocular reflex, can be impaired. This can hinder the recovery process and lead to persistent symptoms. That's why we take a comprehensive approach to evaluate and address the interplay between the eyes, neck, and vestibular system. Using advanced diagnostic tools, such as force plate technology, we perform tests like the cervical challenge test, MCTSBI (Modified Clinical Test of Sensory Interaction on Balance), and limits of stability to objectively measure your condition.

The Importance of Objective Analysis in Whiplash Injuries

We believe in the power of objective findings to guide our treatment decisions. By assessing your functional limitations and balance control, we can design a customized treatment plan to address the underlying issues. Our approach may include gentle chiropractic adjustments to restore proper alignment, as well as proprioceptive training and neuro-muscular rehabilitation to enhance your body's ability to move freely and without pain.

Proprioceptive training focuses on improving the body's awareness of its position and movement in space. Through targeted exercises and techniques, we help you regain control and coordination, promoting a more stable and pain-free functioning. Neuro-muscular rehabilitation complements this approach by targeting specific muscle imbalances and weaknesses, promoting proper muscle recruitment and control.

Our goal is to not only alleviate your immediate symptoms but also provide long-term solutions for a full recovery. By addressing the complex nature of whiplash injuries and utilizing our Data-Driven approach, we strive to optimize your health and well-being.

If you have recently experienced a whiplash injury or are still struggling with lingering symptoms, don't hesitate to reach out to our clinic.

Click below to schedule your Complimentary Consultation with Dr. Coffman and discover how Data-Driven Chiropractic can help you find relief from pain caused by whiplash.